Instructions for submitting to the VISAP’16 Exhibition

We encourage artists and designers to submit work related to topics in information visualization, scientific visualization, or visual analytics, and especially those that investigate the theme of Metamorphoses.

Projects could involve any of the following:

  • visualization that emphasizes aesthetics
  • visualization that emphasizes interaction
  • speculative visualizations
  • visualization as tactical media
  • new data paradigms
  • live coding and streaming data
  • cybernetic systems
  • exploratory data semantics
  • 3D visualization and immersive environments
  • computational photography
  • ambient information displays
  • visualization as storytelling
  • conversation theory
  • digital humanities visualization
We welcome any submissions in any medium. In the past, accepted work has included: interactive projection, multimedia sculpture, mobile devices, illustration, video game art, digital prints, screen-based art, and fixed audio-visual pieces, among others. In addition to accepting installations that may run for the duration of the exhibition, some artworks may be selected for a shorter installation during the week of the IEEE VIS conference. Performance submissions may also be scheduled for specific times during the exhibition. We cannot help with shipping costs, so please bear that in mind when submitting work with unusual requirements. We will be able to provide some equipment for exhibitors; if considered for acceptance, the VISAP’16 Chairs will contact you to see what equipment is needed to install your work. All accepted artworks will be documented in the IEEE VIS 2016 Arts Program exhibition catalog, which will be available both online and in print.

Please see the 2013 catalog, the 2014 catalog (both designed by Lauren Thorson), or the 2015 catalog (designed by Jack Henrie Fisher) to get a sense of the range of artworks that have been accepted previously. Note that this is the first year in which we are explicitly soliciting design submissions; please feel welcome to contact the chairs if you have questions about whether or not your work is an appropirate submission to VISAP.

Submission Information

Artists and designers are required to submit a ~2 page PDF file that provides a description of the work to the IEEE VGTC Electronic Conference System. After creating an account, find the VISAP’16 Papers and Artworks submissions by clicking on the “new submissions” tab, and scrolling down to the VIS 2016 section, and then selecting “Submit to VISAP 2016 Papers and Artworks”. Elements to consider that will be helpful for the reviewers include: explaining how your work relates to the theme of “Metamorphoses” and to information visualization, scientific visualization, and/or visual analytics; describing technical details of the project; and discussing the reception of your work at previous exhibitions (if it has been exhibited before). You will also want to describe the installation requirements of your work in terms of space and equipment. Explain where there is flexibility in case we cannot meet every requirement. Additionally, you will need to provide links to high-resolution images, audio, and/or videos that will help give the reviewers a clear sense of your work. Accepted submissions will be included in the VISAP’16 exhibition catalog and be considered for inclusion in a special section of Leonardo. We may have a small budget to offset some costs related to equipment and conference fees, especially for artists and designers without institutional affiliation. If you are a student, however, we encourage you to apply as a student volunteer for the conference (these applications will be available online in April via the main IEEE VIS site).

The deadline for submissions is June 24th, 2016.
Notifications of acceptance will be made by July 22nd, 2016.