Instructions for submitting to the VISAP’16 Papers Track

Researchers, scholars, and creative practitioners are invited to submit papers related to the theme of Metamorphoses. Papers can be up to 8 pages in length (including all figures and references), and should clearly describe a contribution to a research topic that would be of interest to the community that attends the IEEE VIS conference.

Papers could discuss any of the following topics:

  • critical visualization
  • the influence of visualization techniques on art or design practices
  • the influence of contemporary art and design practices on visualization techniques
  • exploration of the history of visualization
  • temporal dynamics and affective motion
  • visual storytelling
  • art and information
  • software studies
  • data visualization art
  • database aesthetics
  • creative visualization techniques
  • experimental interaction techniques
  • design and information aesthetics
  • infographics and art
  • cybernetic art and visualization
  • telematic embraces and visualization
  • aesthetics of experiment
  • aesthetics of interpretation
Last year’s accepted papers included: technical descriptions of creative visualization projects, philosophical meditations on art-science methodology, expanded descriptions of specific media arts projects, and historical analyses of information visualization techniques, among other topics. We are open to any submission that relates in some way to art or design and that would be of interest to the communities participating in IEEE VIS 2016.

Accepted authors will present their papers at the Arts Program session during the conference. All accepted papers will be published online in the IEEE VIS 2016 Arts Program proceedings. A selection of the most original and rigorously researched papers will be selected for publication in a special section of Leonardo. Additionally, a selection of papers will also be invited to submit an extended version of their paper to IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. Please see the papers from last year for examples of accepted submissions.

Submission Information

Use the IEEE Conference format for paper submissions. (From that link you can find templates for Word and LaTeX; note that it is optional to include the keywords and index terms.) Include any supplementary materials (or links to supplementary materials) that you think will help reviewers evaluate your work. You are not required to anonymize your papers or supplementary files (although you are welcome to if you want). Submit your work using the IEEE VGTC Electronic Conference System. After creating an account, find the VISAP’16 Papers and Artworks submissions by clicking on the “new submissions” tab, and scrolling down to the VIS 2016 section, and then selecting “Submit to VISAP 2016 Papers and Artworks”. Authors of accepted papers are required to attend the conference and will have the opportunity to present at an Arts Program session during the conference. We have a small budget to offset conference fees for authors of Arts Program papers who are speaking during the conference. If you are a student, however, we encourage you to apply as a student volunteer for the conference (these applications will be available online in April via the main IEEE VIS site).

The deadline for submissions is June 24th, 2016.
Notifications of acceptance will be made by July 22nd, 2016.